
St Mary's School, Rutherglen

Phone: (02) 6032 9284
Email: principal@smrutherglen.catholic.edu.au

"Our Earth is a treasure we hold in trust for future generations"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Carey

St. Mary’s Presbytery

82 High Street

Rutherglen 3685

Ph: 02 60 329 468  Mob 0409670426

Weekend Parish Mass Times:

Chiltern :     Saturday:   6pm

Rutherglen: Sunday:  9.00 am

Wahgunyah:  Sunday 10.30am

First Sunday Parish Mass:

The first Sunday of the month is celebrated as the St. Mary’s  Mass in our parish. At this mass our students serve on the altar, lead the singing, read the readings and prayers of the faithful, bring up the gifts at the offertory and take up the collection. There is also a cup of tea straight after mass which provides a wonderful opportunity for the families to catch up with the wider parish community.

Parish Groups

  • Catholic Women’s League

  • Knights of the Southern Cross

  • Parish family Groups

  • St. Vincent De Paul Society


Each year the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are prepared and celebrated as a parish.

Baptisms and Marriages by appointment.
