
St Mary's School, Rutherglen

Phone: (02) 6032 9284
Email: principal@smrutherglen.catholic.edu.au

"Our Earth is a treasure we hold in trust for future generations"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Our Vision

Identity Statement

St. Mary’s Catholic school is a community guided by faith and justice that inspires each person to be the best they can.

Vision Statement

St Mary’s strives to…

  • Model and live the teachings of Jesus
  • Encourage and foster collaborative partnership with families, Parish and the wider community
  • Educate and nurture the ‘whole’ person spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically
  • Provide a progressive curriculum for a contemporary society in a safe and inclusive environment

Graduate Outcomes

St Mary’s school endeavours to teach students who…

  • have a sound understanding of Catholic faith and tradition
  • are passionate about social justice and are active caretakers of the environment
  • are lifelong, independent learners, critical thinkers and creative
  • have sound literacy and numeracy skills
  • are respectful and accepting of difference
  • are responsible digital citizens and active participants in society
  • have social skills, are adaptable, resilient and open-minded
  • feel safe, happy and have a sense of belonging

Our Educational Philosophy

  • We believe that the role of the school environment must be diverse, collaborative, practical, supportive and sustainable to allow for all 21st century learning styles.
  • We believe that the role of the learner is to be positive, supported, collaborative, and active in their learning.
  • We believe that the role of the teacher is to facilitate learning, by providing a learning environment that caters for the diverse needs of students both educationally and emotionally.
  • We believe that the role of the parent is to nurture and support a positive attitude to learning.
