
St Mary's School, Rutherglen

Phone: (02) 6032 9284
Email: principal@smrutherglen.catholic.edu.au

"Our Earth is a treasure we hold in trust for future generations"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

School Information

Below you will find a some school information but a more detailed outline can be found in our Information Booklet which you can download off this site.

School Hours

8.45 am        Teachers are on duty and available to children in the classroom

8.45 am        Classrooms opened

9.00 am        Learning Session begins

11.00 am      Morning Recess

11.45 am       Learning Session begins

1.45 pm          Lunch Break

2.30 pm          Learning Session begins

3.30 pm         Dismissal


Each 2nd Friday morning at 3pm we gather in the School Hall for our school assembly. The Assemblies are student lead and all parents and friends are invited to celebrate the student’s weekly learning.


Our School uniform is proudly worn by our students. Our staff works to support the correct wearing of uniform so that high standards are maintained. School Uniforms, both winter and summer, are available at Brunella’s School Wear, 60/162 Sanger Street, Corowa.

As per our sunsmart policy, wearing of school hats is compulsory in Terms 1 and 4.

Open Days

At St. Mary's we have school open days twice a year, early in Term 2 during Catholic Education Week and in the 2nd last week of Term Two. If these times are not convenient families can make an appointment and visit the school at a time that suits them.

In the 4th Term we also have a series of transition days where new Foundation students visit the school to become familiar with the school's surroundings.
