
St Mary's School, Rutherglen

Phone: (02) 6032 9284
Email: principal@smrutherglen.catholic.edu.au

"Our Earth is a treasure we hold in trust for future generations"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Community Involvement

St. Mary's is an inclusive community where the entire community's needs are recognised and nurtured to benefit our community.

Our school and students are visible in our community in various ways in a role of service where we can give back to our community.

Meals on Wheels:

Our senior students help out each term with Meals on Wheels. All students are placed on a roster and driven by our parents to deliver meals and have a friendly chat with local residents.

Aged Care:

Our school has a wonderful relationship with Glenview ( Aged Car Facility). All students visit Genview regularly to celebrate mass, sing songs and share work they have done with the residents. Their visits provide a weekly highlight for the residents and also our students.

Junior Council:

Each year St. Mary's has a student who is our representative on the Indigo Junior Council. During their time on the council, they learn about the workings of local government and also have the responsibility of organising a fundraiser with the proceedings to going to a local charity.

Local Organisations:

During the year our students and school are privileged to help out and be a part of local community groups and their celebrations. Rotary, Lions, RSL, Keep Australia Beautiful, Land Care and the local Indigo Shire are all groups that our school has a positive working relationship with.

Local Schools and Kindergartens:

During the year our schools joins other local schools and kindergartens to celebrate local events. eg. ANZAC Day, the  local show, gardens show, surrounding wineries children's competitions etc.
