
St Mary's School, Rutherglen

Phone: (02) 6032 9284
Email: principal@smrutherglen.catholic.edu.au

"Our Earth is a treasure we hold in trust for future generations"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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St. Mary’s School is a community guided by faith and justice that inspires each person to be the best they can.

  • We believe that the role of the school environment must be diverse, collaborative, practical, supportive and sustainable to allow for all 21st century learning styles.
  • We believe that the role of the learner is to be positive, supported, collaborative and active in their learning.
  • We believe that the role of the teacher is to facilitate learning, by providing a learning environment that caters for the diverse needs of students both educationally and emotionally.
  • We believe that the role of the parent is to nurture and support a positive attitude to learning.

Principal's Welcome..


St. Mary's Rutherglen is a Child Safe School

Central to the mission of St. Mary’s School Rutherglen, is an unequivocal commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of children and young people and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Matt Attwater ( Principal) is the Child Safe Officer.

smps ruth


Acknowledgement of Country

School Open Day Wedesday 5th June 9am - 3pm

Ther school Open Day is on Wednesday, 5th of June. There will be  a school presentation at 9.15 am and school tours will be available  during the day.  St. Mary's is currently accepting 2025 enrolments now.

Enrolment Applications

An application can be downloaded from Enrolment Application Shortcut on the front page of this website. Please complete the application and email to our school This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or post to PO Box 146 Rutherglen 3685. Students can enrol at any time during the year.
